文章页码:1 - 7
Key words:heavy rail;horizontal roller straightening;residual stress;straightness;bending curvature;FEM
摘 要:为了帮助制定金属矿山科技和安全与环境的发展规划,采用统计分析和比较研究等方法,从宏观的视角,分析了金属矿山安全与环境现状和问题,以及国内外高校的研究方向.研究结果看出,由于金属矿山的开采技术条件越来越复杂,矿石回采的工艺技术多种多样,我国金属矿山有很多安全与环境科学技术问题亟待解决;国内外采矿工程学科的研究方向大都围绕矿山开采与安全环境的实用工程技术问题而确立的,很超前的前瞻研究与很基础的、很边缘的和很有想象力的研究极少.我国应明确未来中长期金属矿山资源领域的重大科技领域和关键技术,更加重视和加强金属矿山科技和安全与环境的研究及其投入.
Abstract: This paper studies the current status and problems of the metal mine safety and environment by statistics and comparison methodology in order to make a development program on the safety and environment for metal mines. In a macro view point, some issues on the safety and environment status as well as the research directions are analyzed. The results show that there are many pressing problems on the safety and environment in metal mines due to more complicated mining techniques. There are small number of prospective, basic, marginal and imaginative studies in mining safety and environment researches with the majority research projects concentrating on the practical engineering problems of the mining safety and environment. The key research areas and technologies on metal resources exploitation in the middle and long term should be determined by researchers.