论文作者:彭明生 郑楚生
文章页码:110 - 117
关键词:晶体场理论; 电子结构; 量子力学; 微观结构; 化学键; 量子化学; 晶体化学; 物理性质; 分子轨道
摘 要:本文论述的量子矿物学是指以量子力学及量子化学为理论基础,研究矿物晶体的微观结构和化学键本质及其性能的科学。其主要化学键理论在矿物学上应用,从本质上阐明了矿物的电子结构与晶体化学特点,矿物的物理性质、化学性质和矿物共生组合的内在规律。
Abstract: Quantum mineralogy is the application of quantum chemistry theory tomineralogy.The basic theory of quantum chemistry includes the electro-static,crystal field,valence bond,molecular orbital and ligand field theo-ries.Particular emphasis is placed on the application of modern experime-ntal techniques.In other words,new theories and models are applied to interpret electr-onic structure of minerals,features of crystal chemistry,physical and che-mical properties,and internal rule of paragenetic association of minerals.