
Localized shear deformation during shear band propagation in titanium considering interactions among microstructures


论文作者:王学滨 杨梅 于海军 海龙 潘一山

文章页码:335 - 339

Key words:microstructures of titanium; heterogeneity; gradient-dependent plasticity; shear localization; shear band propagation; nonuniform shear stress; dynamic loading

Abstract: Closed-form analytical solutions of plastic shear strain and relative plastic shear displacement during shear band propagation are proposed under dynamic loadings based on gradient-dependent plasticity considering the effect of microstructures due to heterogeneous texture of Ti. According to the differences in shear stress levels, Ti specimen is divided into three regions: residual region, strain-softening region and elastic region. Well-developed shear band is formed in the residual region and the relative plastic shear displacement no longer increases. In the normal and tangential directions, the plastic strain and the displacement are nonuniform in the strain-softening region. At the tip of shear band, the shear stress acting on the band is increased to shear strength from the elastic state and the shear localization just occurs. Prior to the tip, Ti remains elastic. At higher strain rates, the extent of plastic strain concentration is greater than that under static loading. Higher strain rate increases the relative plastic shear displacement. The present analytical solution for evolution or propagation of shear localization under nonuniform shear stress can better reproduce the observed localized characteristics for many kinds of ductile metals.

基金信息:the National Natural Science Foundation of China


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