

论文作者:杜玉晓 吴敏 桂卫华

文章页码:142 - 148

关键词:铅锌烧结过程; 智能集成建模; 集成优化控制; 专家系统; 聚类搜索

Key words:lead-zinc sintering process; intelligent integrated modeling; integrated optimization control; expert system; cluster search arithmetic

摘    要:采用主元分析、 神经网络、 专家系统等多种智能化方法, 建立了铅锌烧结过程中烧结块产量质量模型, 并由此得到了铅锌烧结过程的优化控制目标函数。 并采用聚类搜索、 专家系统对生产目标函数进行了优化, 以实现操作参数的优化控制。 提出的面向生产目标的智能集成建模与优化控制技术, 较好地解决了多输入、 多输出、 强非线性、 强耦合性复杂工业过程的优化控制问题, 实现了高产、 低耗、 优质的生产目标, 为复杂工业过程的建模与优化控制提供了一种实用的工程实现方法。

Abstract: The compositive agglomerate model for lead-zinc sintering process was proposed, which synthesizing a lot of intelligent technique, including principal components analysis, neural network, expert system and so on. And the target function was deduced. The optimization parameters was calculated using the cluster searching, expert system. The integrated intelligent modeling and optimization control technique provides an efficient and applied way to resolve the problem of modeling and optimization control for the complex multiple input & multiple output, strong nonlinear, strong coupling industrial process. The practical application realizes the goal of high yield, low cost and high quality.


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