论文作者:欧阳鸿武 黄伯云 刘咏 贺跃辉 李安湘
文章页码:60 - 63
关键词:发动机; TiAl基合金; 排气阀
Key words:engine; TiAl-based alloy; exhaust valves
摘 要:采用真空离心铸造+机加工工艺制备的TiAl基合金排气门在483Q柴油发动机台架上进行了48h耐久性试验。结果表明:TiAl基合金排气门质量轻 ,约为214材料排气门质量的 50% ;TiAl基合金排气门与原气门座组成的摩擦副具有更好的磨合性和耐磨性 ,并且实际接触面积由原来的 30%提高到 70% ,相对下沉量由 8.0×10-3 m降低至 1.0×10-3 m ,说明TiAl基合金排气门可满足高性能发动机的服役要求。
Abstract: The technology development process, benefits and design requirements of TiAl-based alloy exhaust valves, of 483Q diesel engine were studied. The primary results in engine testing show that the contact area between valves and sitting increases from 30% to 70%,and the sink quantity decreases from 8.0×10-3 m to 1.0×10-3 m. The requirements of practical engine properties of the TiAl-based exhaust valves manufactured can meet the requirements for practical engine application.