

图书来源:二元合金相图及中间相晶体结构 二元合金相图及中间相晶体结构

作 者:唐仁政 田荣璋


定 价:320元




Microstructure and Elevated Temperature Tensile Behavior of Directionally Solidified Ni-rich NiAl-Mo(Hf) Alloy

Ping Han1), Yihui Qi2) and Jianting Guo2) 1) Department of Physics, Bohai University, Jinzhou 121013, China 2) Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China

摘 要:The microstructure, high strain rate superplasticity and tensile creep behavior of directionally solidified (DS) NiAl-Mo(Hf) alloy have been investigated. The alloy exhibits dendritic structure, where dendritic arm is NiAl phase, interdendritic region is Ni3Al phase, and Mo-rich phase distributes in the NiAl and Ni3Al phases. The alloy exhibits high strain rate superplastic deformation behavior, and the maximum elongation is 104.2% at 1373 K and strain rate of 1.04×10-2 s-1. The balance between strain hardening (by dislocation glide) and strain softening (by dynamic recovery and recrystallization) is responsible for the superplastic deformation. All the creep curves of the DS NiAl-Mo(Hf) alloy have similar shape of a short primary creep and dominant steady creep stages, and the creep strain is great. The possible creep deformation mechanism was also discussed. The creep fracture data follow the Monkman-Grant relationship.


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