论文作者:陈天明 陈永 邓君 杨森祥 陈亮 李清春 曾建华
文章页码:39 - 42
关键词:高铬钢; 转炉; 半钢炼钢; 大方坯连铸; 铬; 收得率
Key words:high chromium steel; converter; steelmaking with semi-steel; bloom continuous casting; chromium; recovery rate
摘 要:针对L80-3Cr高铬管坯钢的成分特点及质量需求,通过采用合理的合金化制度、过程温度制度及连铸关键工艺技术,打通了半钢炼钢条件下LD—LF—RH—Bloom生产该钢种的工艺流程,达到了经济生产的目的。工业试验表明,冶炼过程Cr的平均收得率达98.2%,成品Cr成分控制稳定;圆钢wT[O]含量为10×10-6~16×10-6,平均13.5×10-6,夹杂物各项评级均≤1.0级,表面及内部质量良好。
Abstract: In consideration of the composition characteristics and quality requirements of L80-3Cr high chromium steel,the rational alloying system,temperature system and key technologies of continuous casting process are employed in the development of a full-line operation of LD-LF-RH-Bloom continuous casting on steelmaking with semi-steel,which suggests an economic production of the steel has been realized.The industrial tests show that the average recovery rate of Cr in smelting process is 98.2%,and Cr content in final products is consistent.The T[O] content of rolled products is ranged from 10×10-6 to 16×10-6 with an average content of 13.5×10-6.Various inclusions of the products are no more than 1.0 level.The rolled products have good surface quality and internal quality.
(1.攀钢集团研究院有限公司,四川成都 611731
2.昆明理工大学 冶金与能源工程学院,云南昆明 650093
3.攀钢集团攀枝花钢钒有限公司,四川攀枝花 617022)
摘 要:针对L80-3Cr高铬管坯钢的成分特点及质量需求,通过采用合理的合金化制度、过程温度制度及连铸关键工艺技术,打通了半钢炼钢条件下LD—LF—RH—Bloom生产该钢种的工艺流程,达到了经济生产的目的。工业试验表明,冶炼过程Cr的平均收得率达98.2%,成品Cr成分控制稳定;圆钢wT[O]含量为10×10-6~16×10-6,平均13.5×10-6,夹杂物各项评级均≤1.0级,表面及内部质量良好。
关键词:高铬钢; 转炉; 半钢炼钢; 大方坯连铸; 铬; 收得率