

论文作者:张新明 宁振忠 李理 邓运来 唐昌平 周楠

文章页码:3663 - 3667


Key words:EW93 magnesium alloy; rolling; aging; strengthening mechanism

摘    要:研究EW93镁合金在轧制-T5状态的显微组织与力学性能,并与铸造T6态进行比较。研究结果表明:合金经过热轧制变形,发生了明显的动态再结晶,晶粒显著细化,轧制-T5态的晶界强化贡献由铸造T6态的12.2%上升到26.7%。轧制板材经过T5处理后,抗拉强度和屈服强度均有大幅度提高,分别由228 MPa和177 MPa提高到372 MPa和311 MPa,但析出相不均匀,伸长率由4.3%降低为3.1%。对于铸造T6态和轧制-T5态,沉淀强化均是主要的强化机制,沉淀强化贡献分别为66.7%和54.3%。

Abstract: The strengthening mechanism of the rolled EW93 magnesium alloy through T5 heat treatment was investigated. The microstructures and mechanical properties of the alloy with cast-T6 and rolled-T5 temper were compared. The results show that effective grain refinement is attained after hot rolling and the contribution of grain boundary strengthening rises from 12.2% to 26.7%. After optimizing the heat treatment parameters, the ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of the as-rolled sample increase to 372 MPa and 311 MPa from 228 MPa and 117 MPa, respectively. However, the elongation of the alloy drops from 4.3% to 3.1%. Precipitation strengthening is the largest both in the cast-T6 temper and in the rolled-T5 temper, whose strengthening contributions are enhanced to 66.7% and 54.3%, respectively.

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