论文作者:常国威 金光灿 陈淑英 李青春 岳旭东
文章页码:380 - 384
关键词:包晶反应; 凝固过程; 晶体生长; 生长速度
Key words:peritectic reaction; solidification process; crystal growth; growth rate
摘 要:针对Fe-C合金包晶反应过程中,γ相沿L/δ界面侧向生长速度的实测值远远大于Bosze和Trivedi模型的计算值的问题,分析了包晶反应过程中固/液界面前沿溶质浓度分布状况,得到了金属熔体中圆柱形固相生长时固/液界面前沿溶质浓度分布表达式.以Jackson提出的熔体中粗糙界面生长速度公式为基础,确定了适合计算合金包晶反应产物侧向生长速度的公式,并将其应用于Fe-C和Fe-Ni合金的包晶反应过程,计算结果表明,Fe-C和Fe-Ni合金的包晶反应产物γ相的侧向生长速度计算值与Shibata等和Mcdonald等在激光共聚焦扫描显微镜下观察Fe-C和Fe-Ni合金包晶反应时所测得的γ相沿L/δ界面侧向生长速度的实验值基本吻合.
Abstract: Aiming at the problem which the experimental results of lateral growth rates of austenite(γ-phase) in the peritectic reaction of Fe-C alloy is much larger than the calculation based on Bosze and Trivedi models,solute distribution in front of the solid/liquid interface in the peritectic reaction was analyzed in detail in this article,and the expression of solute distribution while the cylindrical solid phase grew in melt was also put forward.On the basis of the growth rate formula for the coarse interface deduced by Jackson,the advisable expression was obtained for calculating lateral growth rate of the peritectic reaction products,and which was applied to the peritectic reaction progress of Fe-C and Fe-Ni alloys,respectively.The results showed that the calculation lateral growth rates of the peritectic reaction products(γ-phase) were coincide with the experimental results made by Shibata et al and Mcdonald et al through the observation of the peritectic reaction of Fe-C and Fe-Ni alloys using a confocal scanning laser microscope(CSLM).
摘 要:针对Fe-C合金包晶反应过程中,γ相沿L/δ界面侧向生长速度的实测值远远大于Bosze和Trivedi模型的计算值的问题,分析了包晶反应过程中固/液界面前沿溶质浓度分布状况,得到了金属熔体中圆柱形固相生长时固/液界面前沿溶质浓度分布表达式.以Jackson提出的熔体中粗糙界面生长速度公式为基础,确定了适合计算合金包晶反应产物侧向生长速度的公式,并将其应用于Fe-C和Fe-Ni合金的包晶反应过程,计算结果表明,Fe-C和Fe-Ni合金的包晶反应产物γ相的侧向生长速度计算值与Shibata等和Mcdonald等在激光共聚焦扫描显微镜下观察Fe-C和Fe-Ni合金包晶反应时所测得的γ相沿L/δ界面侧向生长速度的实验值基本吻合.
关键词:包晶反应; 凝固过程; 晶体生长; 生长速度