论文作者:彭志红 蔡自兴
文章页码:360 - 363
Key words:discrete-time systems; nonlinear; uncertainty;H∞ control
摘 要:讨论了一类标称系统用线性系统描述,而状态方程和输出方程都带有范数有界非线性不确定性的离散系统的鲁棒H∞控制问题.通过分别将状态方程和输出方程的非线性不确定性转化成相应的时变、范数有界的线性不确定性,得到了该类系统鲁棒H∞控制问题可解的充分条件,该条件等价于可由代数Riccati方程求解的一个不带参数不确定性的辅助线性系统鲁棒H∞控制问题可解.
Abstract: A class of uncertain state-space discrete-time systems with linear nominal parts and norm-bounded nonlinear uncertainties in both state and output equations have been discussed. By considering both uncertainties respectively and transforming into lineartime-varying and norm-bounded uncertainties, a sufficient condition forrobust control of such systems, which is equivalenttothe solvability of robust control of auxiliaryuncertaintyfree linear systems has been obtained, is solvable by linear Riccati equations.