

论文作者:贾晓卉 曾晓岛 朱莉萍 杨锦瑜

文章页码:1032 - 1039


Key words:polyacrylamide gel method; LaP3O9:Eu3+; structure; optical property

摘    要:采用高分子网络凝胶法合成Eu3+掺杂LaP3O9 发光材料,并通过X射线衍射(XRD)、 荧光光谱和傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)等对合成产物的物相结构和光学性能进行研究,并对部分合成工艺条件、Eu3+离子掺杂量等对合成产物的物相结构及发光性能的影响进行分析。结果表明:采用高分子网络凝胶法可制备单一相的正交晶系空间群为C2221的LaP3O9:Eu3+晶体。LaP3O9:Eu3+样品在紫外光的激发下发射出Eu3+的特征光,且Eu3+掺杂量直接影响着LaP3O9:Eu3+样品的发光强度,但在Eu3+掺杂量高达10%时(摩尔分数)也未能观察到浓度猝灭现象。合成工艺条件显著影响着合成产物的发光性能,在反应体系pH为4的条件下制备湿凝胶,并于850 ℃下煅烧6 h可获得发光性能较优的产物。

Abstract: LaP3O9:Eu3+ phosphors were synthesized by polyacrylamide gel method. The crystal structure and optical properties of the as-synthesized samples were investigated by XRD, FT-IR and FL. The influences of synthesis conditions and Eu3+ doping content on the crystal structure and optical properties of the as-prepared samples were also discussed. The results exhibit that single-phase orthorhombic structure LaP3O9:Eu3+ crystals with space group C2221 can be obtained by polyacrylamide gel method. The photoluminescence spectra show characteristic orange-red emission of Eu3+ under ultraviolet light excitation. The doping content of Eu3+ plays a key role in the emission intensities of LaP3O9:Eu3+ crystals. The concentration quenching phenomenon can not be observed even though the doping content reaches 10% (mole fraction). The results reveal that the synthesis conditions have significant influence on the optical properties of the samples. When the calcination temperature is 850 ℃, calcination time is 6 h and pH is 4, the as-prepared sample displays excellent luminescence properties.

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