

论文作者:张新明 李飞庆 唐建国 徐 敏 黄 平 郭金龙

文章页码:909 - 914


Key words:3104 aluminum alloy; homogenization; dissolution; precipitation

摘    要:通过电导率测试,扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜观察分析,研究3104铝合金铸锭单级和双级均匀化过程中溶解和析出行为。结果表明:600 ℃均匀化时,在保温时间1.5~24 h范围内,随保温时间的延长,非平衡结晶相逐渐溶解、球化;在450 ℃均匀化时,在晶内和晶界处析出大量含Mn第2相,但锭坯中的骨骼状和片状的非平衡结晶相仍存在;600 ℃/12 h+450 ℃/12 h双级均匀化后,锭坯中初生相和析出相的第2相粒子均匀分布,初生第2相粒子的平均粒径约为4 μm,析出第2相粒径约为0.5 μm。

Abstract: The dissolution and precipitation behavior of 3104 aluminum alloy during single- and two-step homogenization was investigated by means of electrical conductivity measurement, scanning electron microscopy and transmitted electron microscopy. The results show that when the alloy is homogenized at 600 ℃, the coarse non-equilibrium constituent particles are gradually dissolved and become spherical shape in holding time for 1.5-24 h. A large number of Mn-rich precipitates in the grains and at the boundaries are observed at 450 ℃, but the coarse non-equilibrium constituent particles still remain. Through the two-step homogenization treatment (600 ℃/12 h+450 ℃/12 h), the primary phase particles and the precipitates are distributed uniformly in the ingot alloy, the average diameter of the primary phase particles is about 4 μm, and that of the precipitates is about 0.5 μm.


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