



文章页码:471 - 475

关键词:预测; 计数法; 疲劳寿命

Key words:prediction; counting method; fatigue life

摘    要:采用计算机模拟载荷序列分析了计数法对载荷的不同反应.研究了不同计数法在构件疲劳寿命预测中引起的误差大小和原因.指出了计数法的适应原则.对正确选择计数法和提高预测精度有重要参考价值.

Abstract: The reactions of different counting method to the load sequence have been investigated by means of the load sequence generated by computer.The errors caused by the counting method in the fatigue life prediction for components have been analysed. The adapting principle of counting method to different load sequence has been pointed out. The conclusions of this paper are of great referential value for choosing correctly the counting method and for improving the predicting precision.



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