Linear regression analysis of oxygen ionic conductivity in co-doped electrolyte


论文作者:谢光远 李箭 蒲健 郭密

文章页码:861 - 864

Key words:ZrO2; CeO2; doped electrolyte; oxygen-ion conductivity; linear regression

Abstract: A mathematical model for the estimation of oxygen-ion conductivity of doped ZrO2 and CeO2 electrolytes was established based on the assumptions that the electronic conduction and defect association can be neglected. A linear regression method was employed to determine the parameters in the model. This model was confirmed by the published conductivity data of the doped ZrO2 and CeO2 electrolytes. In addition, a series of compositions in Ce0.8Gd0.2-xMxO1.9-δ system (M is the co-dopant) was prepared, their high temperature conductivity were measured. The model was further validated by the measured conductivity data.


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