


论文作者:刘今 龙志奇 巩前明 吴若琼

文章页码:49 - 52


Key words:mechanochemistry; mechanical activation; Al 2O 3; bauxite; solubilise

摘    要:力化学方法处理铝土矿,可明显改善其 溶出性能.对国内2种有代表性的铝土矿:广西平果矿和山西普铝矿采用该法处理,使矿石中的一水硬铝石结构发生变化,从而降低了溶出温度及溶出用碱液浓度, 并提高了溶出速率.对力化学引起的反应性能变化及其内在原因进行了探讨.据此确认该法对我国氧化铝工业节能降耗、提高经济效益具有实际意义.

Abstract: The mechanochemistry effects on the process of diaspore type bauxite in sodium aluminate solution was investigated. The results show some surprising effects. For example, the solution ratio of Al 2O 3 in activated ores is twice as high as that in non activated ores with high alumina silica ratio at 210 ℃ and is higher than the equilibrium value, the reaction rate constant rises by 27% and the optimal reaction temperature for digestion and the optimal concentration of sodium solution can be lower. It has been proved that the mechanochemistry method can selectively disilicate SiO 2 from bauxite with highly concentrated silica and raise alumina silica ratio from 4.8 up to 15~30 to obtain ores that can be digested with Bayer process.



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