

论文作者:冯春 寿文彬 刘会群 易丹青 冯耀荣

文章页码:3515 - 3522


Key words:Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy; aging time; precipitate; microstructure;mechanical properties

摘    要:采用维氏硬度测试、拉伸性能测试、透射电子显微镜(TEM)研究3种石油钻杆用Al-Zn-Mg-Cu系合金(合金A: Al-6.9Zn-2.3Mg-1.7Cu-0.3Mn-0.17Cr,合金B: Al-8.0Zn-2.3Mg-2.6Cu-0.2Zr,合金C: Al-8.0Zn-2.3Mg-1.8Cu-0.18Zr)的显微组织和力学性能。结果表明,经(450°C, 2h)+(470°C, 1h)固溶处理及120°C时效12h后,A、B和C 3种合金的抗拉强度、屈服强度和伸长率分别达到736 MPa、695.5 MPa 和 7%; 711 MPa, 674 MPa 和 12.5%; 740.5 MPa, 707.5 MPa 和 13%。合金A的强化相为细小弥散分布的GPII区和η′相;合金B的强化相为η′相;合金C的强化相为GPI区、GPII区和η′相,这是合金C具有较佳综合性能的原因。增加Zn含量有利于提高合金强度;增加Cu含量使合金强度略有下降,伸长率上升;增加Mn含量使合金基体内形成尺寸较大的第二相粒子,从而导致合金塑性的降低。

Abstract: Three Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys used for oil drill pipes (Alloy A: Al-6.9Zn-2.3Mg-1.7Cu-0.3Mn-0.17Cr; Alloy B: Al-8.0Zn-2.3Mg-2.6Cu-0.2Zr, Alloy C: Al-8.0Zn-2.3Mg-1.8Cu-0.18Zr) were studied by hardness tests, tensile tests and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results show that the ultimate tensile strength, yield strength and elongation for Alloys A, B and C are 736 MPa, 695.5 MPa and 7%; 711 MPa, 674 MPa and 12.5%; 740.5 MPa, 707.5 MPa and 13%, respectively after solid solution treatment ((450°C, 2 h)+(470°C, 1 h)) followed by aging at 120°Cfor 12 h. The dominant strengthening phases in Alloy A are GPII zone and η′ phase, the main precipitate in Alloy B is η′ phase, and the main precipitates in Alloy C are GPI zone, GPII zone and η′ phase, which are the reason for better comprehensive properties of Alloy C. The increase of zinc content leads to the improvement of the strength. The increase of copper content improves the elongation but slightly decreases the strength. Large second-phase particles formed by the increase in the manganese content induce a decrease in the elongation of alloys.

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