论文作者:卢清华 张和平
文章页码:945 - 949
Key words:quartz crystal; morphology and surface structure; supersaturation
摘 要:以热液型石英晶体为对象,研究了过饱和度和温度对石英晶体形貌的影响,并运用PBC理论和负离子配位多面体理论对石英晶体形貌特征的形成机理进行了研究。研究结果表明:在温度高、过饱和度大的条件下形成的晶体,晶形以短柱状为主,(1010)微形貌不发育, (1011)和(0111)形成生长丘;在温度低、过饱和度小的条件下形成的晶体,晶形以长柱状、柱状为主,(1010)形成水平生长层, (1011)和(0111)形成生长锥, (1121)形成生长层;纯度较高的碱性溶液促进了(1121)的发育。
Abstract: Effects of both super saturation and temperature on the morphology and surface structure of hot liquid type quartz crystal were studied. Based on PBC theory and Anion Complexing Polyhedron theory, the forming mechanism of morphology and surface structure of quartz crystalwas researched. It shows that underthe conditions of high temperature and super saturation, crysal morphology is mainly short column, Surface structure on (1010) do not grow, on (1011) and (0111) form growth hillock. While under the conditions of low temperature and low super saturation, crysal morphology is mainly column or long column, Surface structure on (1010) forms growth layers, that on (1011) and (0111) forms growth three pyramids, and that on (1121) forms growth layers. Purer alkaline solution has promoted the development of (1121).