


论文作者:占树华 傅菊英 姜昌伟

文章页码:485 - 488


Key words:hot briqueting; dross; pelletizing; ISP

摘    要:在用ISP法冶炼浮渣热压团时,研究 了压团压力、温度、加压时间对铅锌密闭鼓风炉冶炼浮渣热压团块强度的影响.结果表明:压力对团块强度影响不大;温度是影响热压团的重要因素;加压时间对热 压团的影响具有双重性;制粒有利于团块强度的提高和压团温度的降低.热压团块在900 ℃的温度下具有一定的抗压强度.该工艺对扩大密闭鼓风炉冶炼的备料方式,改善冶炼方法及治理环境具有重要意义.

Abstract: In applying hot briquetting for ISP dross processing,influences of pressure, temperature, time of pressing on strength of hot briquetes have been examined. Results show that, in the scope of experiment, temperature is a critical factor in hot briquetting, time of pressing a double side factor, while pressure only has a little influence on the strength of hot briquetes. Furthermore, a new idea that pelletizing is helpful to improve the strength of hot briquetes has been proposed. The dropping strength of 93% can be obtained at 600 ℃,16 MPa by using pelletized dross. Hot resistance tests show the hot briquetes can withstand 900 ℃. Hot briqueting is a kind of new agglomeration for ISP dross, and is important for expanding burden preparation for imperial smelting processing, improving metallurgical methods and environmental protection.



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