Polycrystalline model for FE-simulation of micro forming processes


论文作者:王春举 郭斌 单德彬

文章页码:1362 - 1366


Key words:micro forming; size effect; polycrystal model; inhomogeneous deformation

摘    要:

从坯料的多晶体结构角度考虑自由表面影响构建多晶体模型。该模型中将坯料分为自由表面层、过渡层和内部层三部分。将自由表面层中的晶粒看作单晶体,通过引入晶体取向考虑晶体变形的各向异性,解释塑性变形的非均匀性;在过渡层中,考虑相邻晶粒的影响;在内部层中,将晶粒看作类似多晶体材料变形。使用建立的模型,采用MSC Superform软件模拟镦粗变形过程。模型分析结果表明,坯料塑性变形出现了流动应力的分散性和变形的非均匀性。计算结果与试验结果吻合较好,这说明建立的模型是有效的。


A new polycrystal model was presented from the viewpoint of polycrystal structure of the billets considering free surface effects. In the model, the billet was divided into three portions, such as free surface portion, transition portion and internal portion. The grains in free surface portion were considered the single grains, and the anisotropy of the grains was taken into account by introducing grain orientation to explain the inhomogeneous deformation. In the transition portion, the effects of the neighbouring grains were adopted in the model. The grains in the internal portion were considered the polycrystalline material. With the developed model, the upsetting deformation process was simulated by the MSC Superform software. The scatter of the flow stress and inhomogeneous deformation was observed by analysis of the model. The comparisons show that the computational results are good agreed with the experimental results. This means that the presented model is effective.

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