文章页码:100 - 109
关键词:天然气; 原子能电站; 能源构成; 原子能发电; 太阳能; 装机容量; 能源政策; 节能工作; 一次能源消耗; 石油进口
摘 要:本文第一部分介绍某些国家一次能源消耗情况,以及各国开源节流的一般措施。第二部分介绍各主要工业国家如美、苏、日、西德,英、法、加拿大等国能源工作的动态,特别对冶金工业的节能工作进行了评述。第三部分为小结。
Abstract: This paper consists of three parts.The first part deals with the statusof consumption of primary energy resources and the general means of energydevolopment and saving in some foreign countries The second part deals withthe trend of the development of energy resources of those important industrialcountries,as the United States of America,Russia,Japan,Western Germany,England,France and Canada,especially with a review of energy saving inmetallurgical industries,The third part is a summary of the preceding parts.