文章页码:43 - 54
关键词:非线性边值问题; 先验估计; 可解条件; 实常数; 存在唯一性定理; 广义解; 常微分方程组; 迭代方法; 估计式; 表示式
摘 要:本文讨论二阶椭圆型方程的具有Neumann特征的一类非线性边值问题。利用先验估计与迭代方法,在一定条件下,建立了n≥0时迭代解的存在唯一性定理以及n=-1时上述边值问题的可解条件。
Abstract: In this paper, we mainly consider the nonlinear boundary value problem with Neumann character for second order linear elliptic systems. With the help of a priori estimation and iterative method, we have proved the existence and uniqueness of the iterative solution for the above boundary value problem as n≥0. Moreover, we have also obtained the conditions of solvability for the above boundary value problem as n = -1.