论文作者:崔海涛 许磊 王国栋
文章页码:53 - 55
关键词:末道次轧制力; 中厚板; 轧制规程
Key words:last pass force; medium plate; rolling schedule
摘 要:在中厚板轧机无液压弯辊条件下,为防止传统轧制规程计算方法造成的板形问题,提出了一种末道次轧制力锁定的轧制规程计算方法。该方法将操作工提前给定的末道次轧制力作为轧制规程计算的约束条件之一,通过控制道次规程末道次的轧制力达到控制板形的目的。实际应用结果表明,该方法使操作工能够根据经验对板形进行有效控制,明显减少中浪、边浪等板形问题,具有良好的使用价值。
Abstract: Base on no hydraulic roller bending device on medium plate mill,last pass force lock-on method was introduced to prevent strip shape problems which were caused by traditional rolling schedule calculation.This method can make last pass force as one of the rolling schedule constraint conditions which was set by operator before rolling schedule calculation start,by controlling last pass force to achieve controlling plate shape.After this method was put into service,the operators can control plate shape effectively according to their experience,and strip shape problems such as intermediate shape and side shape decrease obviously.This method has a great application value.
摘 要:在中厚板轧机无液压弯辊条件下,为防止传统轧制规程计算方法造成的板形问题,提出了一种末道次轧制力锁定的轧制规程计算方法。该方法将操作工提前给定的末道次轧制力作为轧制规程计算的约束条件之一,通过控制道次规程末道次的轧制力达到控制板形的目的。实际应用结果表明,该方法使操作工能够根据经验对板形进行有效控制,明显减少中浪、边浪等板形问题,具有良好的使用价值。
关键词:末道次轧制力; 中厚板; 轧制规程