论文作者:王建新 莫秋菊
文章页码:330 - 335
关键词:虚拟实验环境;公共对象请求代理体系结构;矩阵实验室; Java beans
Key words:virtual environment; CORBA; MATLAB; Java beans
摘 要:采用基于公共对象请求代理体系结构(CORBA)技术的网上虚拟实验系统开发模型,设计和实现了基于Internet的通信系统虚拟实验环境。在虚拟实验环境的实现过程中,客户端采用在浏览器中嵌入Java applet的技术;实验设备采用Java beans组件的形式进行开发和调用;服务器端采用矩阵实验室(MATLAB)作为计算后台;此外,该系统还采用可扩展标记语言(XML)保存配置信息、C++调用MATLAB计算引擎、CORBA的分布式处理、通用组件设计等技术。与已有的虚拟实验系统相比,该实验环境不仅在通用性、自主性和可重用性等方面都有较大的提高,而且具有良好的可交互性,同时,实验环境中组件的开发速度也大大提高。实际应用结果表明:该虚拟实验环境可以为用户提供一个很好的交互式实验平台,用户可以利用其中的虚拟实验设备来构造各种实验。
Abstract: By using the development model for web-based virtual experimental system with common object request broker architecture(CORBA) technology, the communication system virtual environment (CSVE) based on the Internet was designed and implemented. While implementing CSVE, Java applet was embedded in the browser of client side, and the experimental devices were developed as Java beans components. MATLAB was also used for doing computation in server side. Some key technologies were adopted, such as employing extensible markup language(XML)to conserve the information of components, C++ calling MATLAB engine, exploiting CORBA technology to realize the distributed processing system, and the design of general component.Compared with the other virtual experimental systems, the universality, autonomy and reusability of CSVE are increased, and the CSVE is interactive. In addition, the developments of experimental services are speeded up. The result of practical application shows that CSVE can provide an interactive experimental platform for users to do a variety of communication experiments by using the virtual devices.