

论文作者:卢毅屏 龙涛 冯其明 欧乐明 张国范

文章页码:1493 - 1497


Key words:serpentine; foam water; floatation; entrainment

摘    要:


Abstract: The effects of pH value, particle size, pulp concentration, variety and dosage of frother on the floatability of fine serpentine in Jinchuan copper-nickel sulphide were investigated by flotation tests and measurement of contact angle, zeta-potential and foam water recovery rate, the flotation mechanism of the fine serpentine was analyzed. The results show that the serpentine is a kind of natural hydrophilic mineral with contact angle of 37.6, which results in poor inherent floatability. The flotation recovery rate of the serpentine is improved with decreasing particle size and increasing pulp density. The effects of frother variety and dosage on the surface potential and wettability of serpentine are not obvious, but the flotation recovery rate of the serpentine corresponds well with the foam water recovery rate at different frother variety and dosage. It can be concluded that foam entrainment is the main reason for serpentine entering into flotation concentrate.



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