Forced response characteristics of bladed disks withmistuning non-linear friction


论文作者:王艾伦 龙清

文章页码:679 - 684

Key words:bladed disk; dry friction damping; random mistuning; incremental harmonic balance method; vibration localization

Abstract: Aimed at the difficulty in revealing the vibration localization mechanism of mistuned bladed disks by using simple non-linear model, a mechanical model of the bladed disk with random mistuning of hysteretic dry friction damping was established. Then, the incremental harmonic balance method was used to analyze the effects of the parameters of bladed disks, such as the mistuning strength of dry friction force, coupled strength, viscous damping ratio and friction strength, on the forced response of the bladed disks. The results show that the vibrational energy localization phenomenon turns up in the tuned bladed disks if the nonlinear friction damping exists, and the random mistuning of the dry friction force intensifies this kind of vibration localization.


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