
用PB 7.0和OLE开发AutoCAD图形信息数据库应用程序


论文作者:张静秋 申群太

文章页码:644 - 647

关键词:PB 7.0; MS SQL Server 7.0; OLE;AutoCAD;应用程序

Key words:PB 7.0; MS SQL Server 7.0; OLE; AutoCAD; application program

摘    要:PB和MS SQL Server是两大数据库应用系统开发工具,AutoCAD是当前工程制图中应用最广泛的二、三维计算机交互式绘图软件,是我国在建筑、机械、电子等领域应用最广泛的辅助设计和绘图软件.对于众多AutoCAD用户来说,灵活操作和管理其图形信息至关重要.作者利用PB 7.0数据库应用系统开发工具,结合对象连接与嵌入(OLE)技术,使用MS SQL Server 7.0作为后台数据库管理系统,开发出了功能强大、使用方便、用户满意的应用程序,能灵活操作和管理AutoCAD图形信息;此外,通过实例说明了PB 7.0与MS SQL Server 7.0的连接、数据库表的建立以及窗体、控件的设计方法和数据库应用程序的设计.

Abstract: Power Builder and Microsoft SQL Server are two popular tools for database application system. With their unique system structure and excellent properties, they have been well accepted by users. As a planar and three-dimen-sional alternating drawing software, AutoCAD has b, een used widely in the fields of construction, mechanical engineering,electronic engineering and so on. It is very important for users to operate and manage their information of AutoCAD draw-ings. Making use of PB 7.0, the best database application systemtool, andMS SQLServer 7.0,i.e., the background DBMS, integrated with the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) technology, we can develop a powerful and convenient database application program which satisfies users. The connection between PB and MS SQL Server, the design of data-base-table,form and a database application program are introduced by a typical example.


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