
Luminescent properties of Ca2SiO4:Eu3+ red phosphor for trichromatic white light emitting diodes

来源期刊:Journal of Rare Earths2008年第6期

论文作者:余泉茂 刘玉峰 吴珊 吕兴栋 黄新阳 李小侠

文章页码:783 - 786

摘    要:<正>The luminescent properties of Eu3+doped Ca2SiO4 red phosphors synthesized by the flux fusion reaction method were investigated. It was found that the excitation spectrum included two regions: the weak excitation band below 325 nm and strong narrow peaks above 325 nm. The main peak of the excitation band was located at 400 nm. The peaks located at 290 nm were assigned to the combination of the charge transfer transition of O-Eu, peaks above 325 nm (325, 385, 400, 470, 511, and 539 nm) were assigned to the f–f transitions of Eu3+. The emission spectrum was dominated by the red peak located at 612 nm due to the electric dipole transition of 5D0–7F2. In addition, the ef- fects of the Eu3+ content and charge compensators of Li+, Na+, K+, and Cl– ions on the emission intensity were investigated. The experiment results suggested that the strongest emission was obtained when the concentration of the Eu3+ ions was 0.3 mol–1, and Li+ ions gave the best improvement to enhance the emission intensity. Ca2SiO4:Eu3+, Li+ was thus suitable for low-cost trichromatic white light emitting diodes (WLED) based on UV InGaN chip.


Luminescent properties of Ca2SiO4:Eu3+ red phosphor for trichromatic white light emitting diodes


1. Institute of Functional Materials, Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics2. No.1 High School of Baoding City Hebei Province3. College of Physical Science and Technology, Hebei University4. Library of Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics

摘 要:<正>The luminescent properties of Eu3+doped Ca2SiO4 red phosphors synthesized by the flux fusion reaction method were investigated. It was found that the excitation spectrum included two regions: the weak excitation band below 325 nm and strong narrow peaks above 325 nm. The main peak of the excitation band was located at 400 nm. The peaks located at 290 nm were assigned to the combination of the charge transfer transition of O-Eu, peaks above 325 nm (325, 385, 400, 470, 511, and 539 nm) were assigned to the f–f transitions of Eu3+. The emission spectrum was dominated by the red peak located at 612 nm due to the electric dipole transition of 5D0–7F2. In addition, the ef- fects of the Eu3+ content and charge compensators of Li+, Na+, K+, and Cl– ions on the emission intensity were investigated. The experiment results suggested that the strongest emission was obtained when the concentration of the Eu3+ ions was 0.3 mol–1, and Li+ ions gave the best improvement to enhance the emission intensity. Ca2SiO4:Eu3+, Li+ was thus suitable for low-cost trichromatic white light emitting diodes (WLED) based on UV InGaN chip.


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