


论文作者:彭频 李明坚 陈恩湖

文章页码:14 - 19


Key words:aluminum industry; production planning; linear model; application example

摘    要:针对铝企业生产计划具有递阶性、规模大、约束多等特点,考虑铝企业原材料采购到熔铸生产整个物流过程,以生产总成本最小为优化目标构建铝企业中期生产计划线性模型,实现交货期承诺和资源设备的优化利用.本文综合考虑原料采购到最终产品整个过程的物流形态及物流成本,结合铝生产企业实际加工工艺特点及生产管理要求,从物流平衡的角度构建计划模型,对企业的生产成本进行优化,最后通过企业的实际生产数据验证模型的可行性和有效性,数据结果显示,模型符合生产实际状况,具有较好的应用价值.

Abstract: This paper establishes a linear medium-term production scheduling model for delivery commitment, resources utilization optimization and minimum production cost in accordance with the production plan characteristics of aluminum industry, including hierarchical order, large scale and multiple constraints. Based on the characteristics of actual process and production management requirements of aluminum industry, we take the logistics morphology and costs of the whole process, from raw materials procurement to the final products, into account. A planning model is constructed from the perspective of logistic balancing to optimize the production cost. The effectiveness and feasibility of the model is verified by the actual production data. The data shows that the model is in accordance with the actual production conditions.


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