Planar anisotropy of commercially pure titanium sheets

来源期刊:Rare Metals2013年第1期

论文作者:Qing-Dong Zhang Qiang Cao

文章页码:1 - 4

摘    要:Commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) sheets show typical planar anisotropy due to the inherently crys-tallographic texture and manufacturing process. To characterize the planar anisotropic behaviors of CP Ti sheets in the forming process, uniaxial tensile tests of TA0 sheets were performed along rolling, transverse, and diagonal directions at room temperature; corresponding stress-strain curves and Lankford coefficients were obtained. Based on Hill’48 and Barlat’89 yield functions, the planar anisotropy of TA0 sheets was investigated. In order to verify the accuracy of two models, we compared the experimental and predicted values of yield stress and Lankford coefficients. It reveals that Barlat’89 criterion with M=10 is good agreement with experimental data, and the obtained function can be used in simulation of forming process.

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