文章页码:46 - 48
关键词:氰化尾矿; 金; 铜; 硫; 浮选; 回收率
Key words:cyanidation tailings; gold; copper; sulfur; floatation; recovery rate
摘 要:某金精矿氰化尾矿中金、铜、硫等有价元素仍有进一步回收的价值。通过试验确定合理的浮选工艺及条件,获得浮选精矿:金品位20g/t以上,回收率大于45%;铜品位高于8%,回收率85%以上;硫品位高于35%,回收率60%以上。
Abstract: The valuable elements of gold,copper and sulfur in the gold concentrate cyanidation tailings have some recovery value.With the experimental floatation process and conditions,the gold grade of floatation concentrate is higher than 20 g/t and the recovery rate is higher than 45 % ;the copper grade is higher than 8 % and the recovery rate is higher than 85 % ;the sulfur grade is higher than 35 % and the recovery rate is higher than 60 %.
摘 要:某金精矿氰化尾矿中金、铜、硫等有价元素仍有进一步回收的价值。通过试验确定合理的浮选工艺及条件,获得浮选精矿:金品位20g/t以上,回收率大于45%;铜品位高于8%,回收率85%以上;硫品位高于35%,回收率60%以上。
关键词:氰化尾矿; 金; 铜; 硫; 浮选; 回收率