
Distribution behavior of collector in the desilication system of bauxite flotation


论文作者:JIANG Yu-ren XUE Yu-lan CAO Xue-feng XIA Zhong

文章页码:125 - 129

Key words:distribution of collector; desilication; flotation of bauxite

Abstract: The distribution behavior of the HZB collector (a kind of long chain fatty acid) in the desilication system of bauxite flotation was studied. The results show that the collector tends towards froth products in the steps of the roughing, the first cleaning and the second cleaning, while towards the tailing product in the step of the scavenging, and in each job excepts cavenging the collector is mainly on the surface of solids. As for the froth product in the step of the scavenging, it is mainly in solution. To the tailing products of every step, it is mainly in the respective solutions. The collector added to the flotation system is mainly taken out by the last concentrate, bywhich the taken one occupies 65.2% of the whole, among which, 57.8% is by solid and 7.4% by solution, respectively. And the one by the last tail occupies 34.8% of the whole, among which, 8.8% is by solid and 26.0% by solution, respectively. The sum of the collector in the solution of the last concentrate and tailing is 33.4% of the amount of addition collector, and recycling the solutions will be in favor of decreasing the dosage of collector.



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