

论文作者:张立松 闫相祯 杨秀娟 王欣

文章页码:501 - 507


Key words:fractured reservoir; fracture development; Hoek-Brown criterion; in-site stress field; multi-objective constrained optimization method

摘    要:引入多目标约束优化方法,反演储层地应力场分布规律。联合Griffith准则和Hoek-Brown准则建立致密碎屑岩裂缝性储层裂缝发育定量表征方法。通过定义储层裂缝综合发育系数,将储层裂缝发育程度划分为极发育区、发育区、较发育区和欠发育区,建立储层裂缝发育等级标准。以某油田H17区块E1f3储层为研究对象,分析目标层平面及纵向裂缝发育程度。结果表明,E1f3储层关键井点处的主应力反演值与实测值吻合较好;H17-2井裂缝发育方位为NE53°,与微地震得到的裂缝方位实测值NE50.6°仅相差2.4°,这在一定程度上验证了裂缝发育表征方法的准确性。

Abstract: Tectonic stress field distribution was firstly obtained by multi-objective constrained optimization method. Combining Griffith criterion with Hoek-Brown criterion, a quantitative prediction method of natural fracture development for tight fractured clastic rock reservoir was established. Defining fracture development coefficient to describe fracture development degree, then the reservoir was divided into four grades by calculating the magnitude of the coefficient, including extreme development, development, sub-development and un-development, and the corresponding classification standard was determined. Taking E1f3 reservoir of H17 block as research object, the fracture development degree for target reservoir was analyzed. The results show that the prediction results of in-situ stress for key wells in target reservoir agree well with the measured results; the azimuth error of fracture development for H17-2 well is only 2.4° between the prediction result and the measured result. Therefore, to a certain extent, the calculation accuracy of fracture development prediction method is verified.

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