文章页码:73 - 80
关键词:致密化理论; 粉末烧结坯; 板坯轧制; 摩擦系数; 高密度; 压缩应变; 轧制变形; 延伸应变; 塑性变形; 数值积分
摘 要:本文运用粉末预成形件锻造的屈服条件并引进摩擦系数,导出粉末烧结坯轧制密度与压缩应变的关系满足微分方程[(1/(1+2μ)-0.5ρ1.92)/(1-ρ1.92)ρ]dρ=-dε3。在规定的摩擦系数μ和原始板坯密度ρ0的条件下,用上式的数值积分解可描述轧件密度ρ与应变的关系。讨论了μ和ρ0对密度-应变曲线的影响和压缩变形与延伸变形的关系。
Abstract: A differential eguation given as ting the relationship between densitJ and compressive strain for powder [(1/(1+2μ)-0.5ρ1.92)/(1-ρ1.92)ρ]dρ=-dε3 illustra-sintered slabs during cold-rolling has been derived in the present paper,using the H. A. Kuhn’s yield criterion for the powder preform’s forgingprocess. In the conditions of given values of friction coefficient of μ andinitial density of ρ0, the rolling densities related to various strains can becalculated by numerical integrating above Eg. Discussions were also done,in this paper, on the effects of μ and ρ0 upon the density-strain curves andthe variation of elongate strains with compressive strains.