

论文作者:杨灿军 江平 寿志成 陈燕虎 范锦昌 黄政明 魏谦笑

文章页码:2946 - 2953


Key words:attitude and location; vision navigation system; integrated navigation; image recognition; extended Kalman filter

摘    要:针对石油平台导管架水下清洗机器人姿态定位问题,提出一种新型的视觉惯导组合导航系统。该系统利用Canny算子与Hough变换识别圆管特征直线,并通过建立机器人空间模型,解算机器人空间位置姿态角。针对视觉惯导系统模型,设计基于四元数的扩展卡尔曼滤波,实现视觉与惯导信息融合,减小空间角度的累计误差,提高组合导航精度。研究结果表明:本文提出的机器人组合导航系统角度精度高,其精确度及实时性满足了机器人实际应用需求。

Abstract: For the localization of the underwater cleaning robot’s localization, an innovative vision-inertial navigation system was put forward. By recognizing pipe line in Canny/Hough and establishing robot’s spatial model, the attitude angles were solved. For vision-inertial system model, the extended Kalman filter bases on quaternion was designed to fuse vision/inertial data and reduce accumulative errors, which improves the system accuracy. The results show that this attitude accuracy is high, which indicates that the real-time performance and the precision of the navigation system can meet the practical demand.


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