文章页码:19 - 27
关键词:工作辊; 弯辊力; 铝箔轧机; 液压弯辊; 箔带轧制; 附加挠度; 弹性基础梁; 板形; 支承辊; 铝箔轧制
摘 要:本文提出了分析箔带轧机弯辊功、效的新见解。针对箔带极限压延中的恒压控制及无辊缝等特性,将弯曲工作辊的作用等效为半无限长(弹性基础)梁的力学模型,得出了工作辊附加挠度(由弯辊力引起的)方程式。应用此式计算了1200铝箔轧机弯辊的实际挠度,并分析了其变化规律。探讨了提高弯辊功、效及改善板形稳定性的有效途径。本文观点及其结论已为1200现代铝箔轧机工业性试验证实。
This paper suggested an advanced view on the analysis of bending work roll efficacy.
Taking account of the character of the constant-pressure control and the character that there was no gap between the work rolls in the limit rolling,the action of the bending work roll was equivalent to the mecha- nical model of the half-infinite beam on an elastic foundation,and obtained an equation regarding additional deflection of work roll(due to work roll beding force)
The actual additional deflection of the bending work roll on the 1200 aluminium foil mill and its variations were analysed by the use of this equation.
Besides,the effective approach for increasing the roll bending efficacy and improving the stability of shape was also investigated.
The above view and conclusion have been verified by industrial test of the 1200 recent aluminium foil mill.