稀有金属 (英文版) 2019,38(05),359-360
Editorial for rare metals, special issue on photocatalysis
Tie-Rui Zhang Gang Liu Yong-Fa Zhu
Key Laboratory of Photochemical Conversion and Optoelectronic Materials, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University
作者简介:*Tie-Rui Zhang is a full pro-fessor at the Technical Instituteof Physics and Chemistry, Chi-nese Academy of Sciences andDirector of Key Laboratory ofPhotochemical Conversion andOptoelectronic Materials CAS.He obtained his Ph.D. degree inChemistry in 2003 at JilinUniversity (China) . Subse-quently, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher in thelaboratories of Prof. MarkusAntonietti, Prof. Charl F.J. Faul, Prof. Hicham Fenniri, Prof. Z. Ryan Tian, Prof. Yadong Yin, and Prof. Yushan Yan. Hiscurrent scientific interests focus on the catalytic nanomaterials forenergy conversion.e-mail: tierui@mail.ipc.ac.cn;Gang Liu is a Professor and theDeputy Director of Institute ofMetal Research, Chinese Acad-emy of Sciences. He receivedhis Bachelor’s degree in Mate-rials Physics from Jilin Univer-sity in 2003. He obtained hisPh.D. degree in Materials Sci-ence from the Institute of MetalResearch in 2009. His mainresearch interests focus onsolar-driven photocatalyticmaterials for renewable energy.;Yong-Fa Zhu received his BAdegree, Master degree and Ph.D.degree from Nanjing University, Peking University and TsinghuaUniversity, respectively. He is afull professor of TsinghuaUniversity and associate editorfor Applied Catalysis B. Hiscurrent research is focused onphotocatalysis and applicationon environmental, energy con-version and anti-tumor. He isthe author and co-author of 327original research papers published in SCI journals. The total cited numbers reached about 21, 800 and the H-index arrived at 80.About 34 papers were selected as ESI High-Cited Papers. Besides, hehas written about 5 books and applied about 24 patents.;
Editorial for rare metals, special issue on photocatalysis
Tie-Rui Zhang Gang Liu Yong-Fa Zhu
Key Laboratory of Photochemical Conversion and Optoelectronic Materials, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University
Burning of fuels is an irreversible entropy increasing process, requiring additional energies derived from the environment to let the process cycle.In theory, photon energy delivered from the sun could fix the huge energy demand in a clean and sustainable way.Photocatalysis is such an ideal approach to reconvert inert molecules directly into fuels and other chemical feedstocks using photon energy without any other energy inputs.
This special issue contains thirteen original research articles focusing on the development of advanced photo (-electro) chemical nanomaterials for water splitting, CO2reduction and pollutant degradation.In the issue, we lay emphasis on the preparation of a series of novel nanostructures, such as core–shell TiO2/SrTiO3nanowire arrays, multilayered plasmonic nanofibers and 2D Sn2Ta2O7nanosheets, along with their structure-induced special photocatalytic properties.Beyond commonly used materials, the photocatalytic behavior of bifunctional metal–organic frameworks, for example, has also been investigated.Besides, in situ spectroscopy technologies are included to reveal the intermediate reaction pathway of photocatalytic NO oxidation.
The next breakthrough of photocatalysis depends on several key aspects, including (1) the synthesis of new materials or structures with high photocatalytic activity; (2) the establishment of in situ analysis technologies with high time/spatial resolution; (3) the discovery of novel and important photocatalytic reactions, such as nitrogen fixation and methane activation.This journal will continue to provide opportunities for the publication of high-quality and high-impact papers in the research area of photocatalysis.We sincerely hope that the readers will enjoy the articles published in this special issue.
Tie-Rui Zhang
Gang Liu
Yong-Fa Zhu