

论文作者:楼波 许建红 林振冠 徐毅

文章页码:2707 - 2713


Key words:moving fire; flame inclination; flame force field; inertial force

摘    要:利用高速摄像实时获得匀加速直线运动下移动火源扩散火焰的图像序列,结合数字图像处理和力场分析研究火焰倾角受速度、加速度影响的变化规律。研究结果表明:处于非惯性系的火焰倾角增加规律经历3个不同速率的变化阶段;处于非惯性系的火焰倾角与火焰合力倾角并不是在同一方向上,火焰合力倾角要先于火焰倾角发生偏移,二者之间存在夹角,且大加速度工况下夹角大,随着速度增加,空气阻力增加,夹角减小,火焰倾角与火焰合力倾角同时趋近90°。

Abstract: The image series of the diffusion flame of moving fire on acceleration motion were acquired by using high-speed video camera and the flame inclination characteristic was studied. The results show that flame inclination increase undergoes three stages of changing velocity in non-inertial system. It is not in same direction between flame resultant and flame inclination. In non-inertial system, the flame resultant angle shifts first to the flame inclination and forms an intersection angle. Moreover, the higher acceleration flame is, the more sluggish flame inclination will be. With the increase of flame speed, the air resistance increases and the intersection angle decreases, and the flame resultant angle and the flame inclination finally approach to 90°.

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