


论文作者:李学军 刘义伦 朱萍玉 袁英才

文章页码:188 - 192


Key words:supporter; variable-stiffness shaft; load; sensitivity matrix

摘    要:多支点轴支承载荷的分配直接影响设备的安全运行,各支承的标高是影响支承载荷分配的主要因素,只要建立了支承载荷对支承标高变化的灵敏度矩阵,便可方便地求得不同标高下的载荷分配.传递矩阵推算方法需进行载荷和轴的简化才能求解,当载荷复杂且轴刚度变化大时便无法准确计算.作者在不进行载荷和轴系简化的情况下,建立一种变刚度静不定梁的通用模型,推导出该梁任意截面的转角和挠度变形的一般方程.由变形方程得出静不定梁求解的求解矩阵,导出支承载荷计算的灵敏度矩阵和线性公式,并对回转窑进行分析和计算.研究结果表明:该方法避免了由于载荷和轴系简化引起的计算误差,计算精度高;计算中对轴端支承形式也没有限制,是一种计算支承载荷灵敏度矩阵的通用方法.

Abstract: The safe operation of multi-support system is influenced by the bearing load distribution. The bearing elevation is the major factor that influences the bearing load distribution. After the sensitivity matrix of bearing load to its elevation has been presented, the bearing load distribution can be easily obtained in the case of any elevation. The sensitivity matrix cannot be calculated in traditional transfer method without predigesting the load and structure shaft. When the load is complex and the stiffness of shaft is various, people can not calculate the sensitivity matrix exactly. In this paper, the general mechanics model of variable-stiffness statically indeterminate beam on complex load was established without predigesting the load and structure shaft, and the rotate angle and flexible deformation equations were derived from the established model. By means of the deformation equations above, general matrix for program of solving the statically indeterminate beam was established, the sensitivity matrix and linear formulation of calculating the bearing load for variable-stiff-ness shaft were deduced. The new method has high precision since the error is avoided, which results from predigesting the load and structure shaft. It is ageneral method of calculating the bearing load for variable-stiffness shaft without limits of supporting form.



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