Inconel 718合金δ相的溶解动力学


论文作者:蔡大勇 张伟红 刘文昌 姚枚

文章页码:1349 - 1354

关键词:Inconel 718合金; 溶解动力学; 控制环节;扩散; 界面反应

Key words:Inconel 718 alloy; dissolution kinetics; controlling step; diffusion; interface reaction

摘    要:采用X射线衍射技术测定了Inconel 718合金中δ相在980、 1 000和1 020 ℃时的溶解动力学, 并采用扫描电镜进行了组织观察。 结果表明: Inconel 718合金在980、 1 000和1 020 ℃保温过程中, δ相含量逐渐降低, 经1 020 ℃保温2 h后, δ相可完全溶入基体; 当温度为980和1 000 ℃时, δ相的平衡含量分别约为3%及0.6%。 δ相的溶解过程可分为两个阶段, 溶解初期主要表现为长针状δ相长度方向的断裂,且很快溶解断裂为短棒状及颗粒状, 同时在厚度方向上尺寸逐渐减小; 随着溶解过程的进行, 后续的溶解过程主要为短棒状及颗粒状δ相尺寸的减小。 δ相溶解动力学过程的控制环节并非Nb或Ni原子的长程扩散过程, 而为δ相分解的界面反应过程。

Abstract: The dissolution kinetics and microstructures evolution of δ phase in Inconel 718 alloy during holding at 980, 1 000 and 1 020 ℃ were analyzed using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results indicate that the dynamic equilibrium state reaches after holding at 980 ℃ for more than 30 min and at 1 000 ℃ for more than 2 h, the equilibrium contents are 3.0% and 0.6%, respectively. Nearly, the δ phase dissolves into the austenitic matrix holding at 1 020 ℃ for more than 1 h. The dissolution process of needle-like δ phase can be divided into two stages, the initial stage is mainly characterized as the fracture from long needle shape to short bars or particles. Then, the size of δ phase with short bars or particles decrease at the following stage. The dissolution models of δ phase were established and the controlling step was revealed. The whole dissolution process is governed by the interface reaction mechanism, but not by the long-distance diffusion of Nb or Ni atoms in the austenite matrix.

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