


论文作者:陈建华 刘佳佳 臧巩固 李育君 赵立宁

文章页码:65 - 69

关键词:紫杉醇;内生真菌;薄层层析;紫外分析; HPLC分析

Key words:taxol; endophytic fungi; thin layer chromatography; UV analysis; HPLC analysis

摘    要:采用稀释倒平板法分别从云南红豆杉和南方红豆杉中分离出230余株内生真菌,经薄层层析、紫外及HPLC分析初步筛选,确定有5株表现出产紫杉醇的特性,其中1株真菌产率较高,约为1 mg/L。产紫杉醇的内生真菌 菌丝体生长和紫杉醇积累之间存在相反的关系。低浓度乙酸铵(< 0.01 mmol/L)有利于菌丝体生长,不利于紫杉醇积累;较高浓度的乙酸铵不利于菌丝体生长而有利于紫杉醇积累。较高浓度的苯丙氨酸和酒石酸铵(>0.05 mmol/L)有利于菌丝体生长,不利于紫杉醇积累;较低浓度的苯丙氨酸和酒石酸铵不利于菌丝体生长而有利于紫杉醇积累。亮氨酸对菌丝体生长和紫杉醇积累的影响很小;苯甲酸钠抑制菌丝体的生长和紫杉醇的积累。

Abstract: The pour plate method was used to isolate the endophytic fungi from Taxus yunnanensis and T chinensis varmairei. 230 endophytic fungi strains were isolated, thin layer chromatography, UV and HPLC analysis demonstrated that 5 of them can produce taxol, one of which has a higher productivity of 1 mg/L. There is a contrary relationship between the growth of fungal hyphae and the accumulation of taxol in the mycelium. Lower concentration of ammonium acetate(<0.01 mmol/L) and higher concentration of phenylalanine and ammonium tartrate(>0.05 mmol/L) is favourable to the growth of fungal hyphae but harmful to the taxol accumulation while higher concentration of ammonium acetate(>0.01 mmol/L). Lower concentration of phenylalanine and ammonium tartrate(<0.05mmol/L) is harmful to the growth of fungal hyphae but favourable to the taxol accumulation. Leucine has little effect on the growth of fungal hyphae and the taxol accumulation. Sodium benzoate is harmful to the growth of fungal hyphae and unfavourable to the taxol accumulation.


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