

论文作者:易茂中 杨琳 彭可 冉丽萍 涂欣达 易茂中

文章页码:267 - 273

关键词:C/C复合材料;炭材料;结构;摩擦;磨损,C/C composite; carbon material; structure; friction; wear

Key words:C/C composite; carbon material; structure; friction; wear

摘    要:制备粗糙层热解炭(RL)和光滑层热解炭(SL)基体的C/C复合材料,测试该C/C复合材料与40Cr钢配副时的摩擦磨损行为,并对磨损表面进行SEM观察。对比研究高强石墨和光滑层结构的块状热解炭在相同条件下的滑动摩擦磨损行为。结果表明:PAN炭纤维改善C/C复合材料的摩擦磨损行为;在实验载荷范围内,与高强度石墨材料相比,含RL炭C/C复合材料的摩擦因数降低0.08~0.12;体积磨损量增幅降低;与热解炭试样相比,具有SL炭C/C复合材料的摩擦因数降低0.02~0.05,体积磨损量低0.2 mm3左右;随着时间的延长,大部分C/C复合材料的摩擦因数基本相对稳定或呈小幅下降,而石墨、热解炭块的摩擦因数均呈不同幅度的上升;具有RL炭的C/C复合材料摩擦表面膜厚度随载荷增加而降低,具有SL炭的C/C复合材料摩擦表面较粗糙;高强石墨能形成较完整致密的摩擦膜,但磨粒磨损严重,磨屑易在摩擦膜边缘形成层状堆积;热解炭块摩擦表面磨屑堆积松散,有较多的孔洞以及热解炭层整体剥落的形貌。

Abstract: Two kinds of C/C composites with rough-lamination pyrocarbon matrix (RL) or smooth lamination (SL) pyrocarbon matrix were prepared. The sliding friction behaviors against 40Cr steel ring of the two C/C composites, a high strength graphite and a pyrocarbon solid material with SL structure used as compared material were investigated. The wear surface of the samples were observed by SEM. The results show that the PAN-carbon fiber can improve the frictional stability of C/C composites. Compared with the graphite, the coefficients of friction (COF) of the RL-C/C are lower under the same load of about 0.08?0.12, and the increasing range of the volume losses are still lower than those of the graphite. Compared with the SL pyrocarbon material, the COF and the volume loss of the SL-C/C are about 0.02?0.05 and 0.2 mm3, lower than those under the same load. The COFs of most RL-C/C and SL-C/C specimens remain stable or decrease slightly with time, while those of the graphite and pyrocarbon specimens increase. The thickness of the integrated friction film of the RL-C/C decreases with load, but the wear surface of the SL-C/C is rough. Tough the wear surface of the graphite is integrated, the serious abrasive wear make the debris move easily and accumulate on the edge of the wear trace to form a restacked morphology. On the wear surface of the pyrocarbon material, some loosed debris, circular worn holes and flake worn out pyrocarbon has been found.


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