文章页码:307 - 312
关键词:人工智能; 组合; 膨胀/决定式推理方式; 知识库
Key words:artificial intelligence; combination; expansions/deterministic reasoning; knowledge base
摘 要:在以规则为基础表示知识的专家系统中,推理机制通常都是采用“向前推理”,“向后推理”或者“混合推理”。这些推理方式随着规则数目的增多,推理过程的匹配运算呈“组合膨胀”之势,以致极大地影响推理速率和专家系统的实用性。本文提出的一种称之为“决定式推理方式”的推理方法,圆满地解决了传统推理方式上存在的组合膨胀问题。
Abstract: In the conventional rule-based system,several different reasoning methodsare adopted,which take much time.This is a serious problem when the rule-basebecomes very large.This paper gives a new type of reasoning method in expert system,whichis called deterministic reasoning.In this system,all rules in knowledge base arepre-compiled into a knowledge net and a mixed data-driven/object-driven controlstructure is used.The system can raise efficiency greatly.