

论文作者:毛江虹 曹继敏 杨华斌

文章页码:105 - 111


Key words:TC4 wire; fine grain; annealing; microstructure; mechanical properties; strengthening mechanism

摘    要:钛合金TC4丝材经多道次拉拔后,可得到细晶组织,具有良好的综合性能。研究了700~900 ℃区间退火的直径为2.6 mm TC4丝材的组织与性能。研究结果表明:TC4合金丝材晶粒粒径为1~5 μm,细晶强化作用使TC4合金丝材经700 ℃退火后具有最高的强度和较好的塑性。随着退火温度的升高,丝材的硬度和强度逐渐降低。达到900 ℃时,由于二次α相的析出,硬度和强度有所回升。材料的塑性先升后降,在750~800℃温度区间退火可以达到最优的综合性能。

Abstract: The microstructure of Ti-6A1-4V (TC4) titanium alloy wire is fined and optimal performance can be obtained by drawing. Annealed in the temperature range from 700 ℃ to 900 ℃, the microstructure and properties of TC4 wire of 2.6 mm were investigated. The results show that the grain size is about 1 to 5 μm. At 700 ℃, TC4 wire is provided with the highest strength and good plasticity strengthened by the fine-grain. As the annealing temperature increases, the hardness and strength of the wire are gradually reduced. The hardness and strength of the TC4 wire are rebounded with the secondary alpha phase precipitation at 900 ℃. The plasticity of the material first increases and then decreases. In the annealing temperature range from 750 ℃ to 800 ℃, the TC4 wire can achieve optimal performance.


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