

论文作者:郭学益 公琪琪 石文堂 李栋 田庆华

文章页码:2048 - 2053


Key words:acid leaching residue of nickel laterite; magnetic roasting; weak magnetic separation; iron concentrate

摘    要:以镍红土矿加压酸浸渣为原料(其主要成分是以赤铁矿为主的铁矿物),对其进行磁化焙烧-弱磁选铁精矿的实验研究,确定还原焙烧-弱磁选工艺的优化条件。研究结果表明该工艺的优化条件是:无烟煤质量分数为20%,焙烧温度为750 ℃,焙烧时间为60 min,冷却方式为水冷,弱磁选磁场强度为195 kA/m,在此最优条件下,铁品位和回收率分别为64%和94%,精矿中S质量分数为0.16%,达到了钢铁对铁精矿成分的要求。

Abstract: An acid leaching residue of nickel laterite with high content of iron minerals which is mainly hematite was chosen as the raw material. The technique of reducing roasting-weak magnetic separation was adopted, and the optimum conditions were determined. The results show that the optimum conditions are as follows: anthracite mass fraction is 20%, roasting temperature is 750 ℃, roasting time is 60 min, cooling to water, and the weak magnetic field strength is 195 kA/m. Under the optimum conditions, the iron concentrate grade and recovery of iron are 64% and 94%, respectively. Moreover, the content of sulfur in iron concentrate is 0.16%, which meets the requirement for iron making.

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