A Mathematical Model Describing the Anisotropic Feature of Mechanical Properties of Titanium Sheet under Simple Tension
来源期刊:Rare Metals1989年第4期
论文作者:Zhou Weixian Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an,Shaanxi,China
文章页码:27 - 31
摘 要:<正> According to the orthotropy of Ti sheet anisotropy and the character that a extreme value of some mechanical properties forTi sheet appears at angles between 0°and 90° with rolling direction,a mathematical model describing the anisotropy of me-chanical properties for Ti sheet under simple tension has been proposed in this paper.A comparison between the calculated valueand the experimental data for several kinds of Ti sheets shows that deviations are less than 3%.
摘要:<正> According to the orthotropy of Ti sheet anisotropy and the character that a extreme value of some mechanical properties forTi sheet appears at angles between 0°and 90° with rolling direction,a mathematical model describing the anisotropy of me-chanical properties for Ti sheet under simple tension has been proposed in this paper.A comparison between the calculated valueand the experimental data for several kinds of Ti sheets shows that deviations are less than 3%.