Abstract: Carbon nitride thin films are deposited under different conditions of radio frequency sputtering. An analysis of their electron structure and elemental composition is done with the help of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS). By using ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV) spectroscopy,their optical properties are shown clearly. The maximum Natom content in the films reaches 0.47 and the binding energy (BE) of C1s and N1s photoelectron varies with deposition conditions, shifting between 2.41 and -1.7eV. UV spectra show that the films have pronounced optical absorption in ultraviolet region and good transparency in near infrared region, with a sharp absorption peak around 2720nm. The optimum condition, which causes the sharp absorption peak, is specified and these results is considered useful for infrared application as aprotective optical coating.
Optical properties of carbon nitride thin films prepared by radio frequency sputtering
Carbon nitride thin films are deposited under different conditions of radio frequency sputtering. An analysis of their electron structure and elemental composition is done with the help of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) . By using ultraviolet visible near infrared (UV) spectroscopy, their optical properties are shown clearly. The maximum N atom content in the films reaches 0.47 and the binding energy (BE) of C1s and N1s photoelectron varies with deposition conditions, shifting between 2.41 and -1.7?eV. UV spectra show that the films have pronounced optical absorption in ultraviolet region and good transparency in near infrared region, with a sharp absorption peak around 2?720?nm. The optimum condition, which causes the sharp absorption peak, is specified and these results is considered useful for infrared application as a protective optical coating.
Fig.3 UV spectra of carbon nitride thin films prepared at different conditions (a) —Under different nitrogen pressure; (b) —Under different argon pressure; (c) —Under different substrate temperature; (d) —Under different target power