论文作者:罗学辉 陈占生 张勇 陈雪
文章页码:59 - 61
关键词:金矿石; 国家标准物质; 定值分析
Key words:gold ore; certified reference materials; value testing
摘 要:2006年武警黄金指挥部测试中心参加了4个国家金矿石一级标准物质(GBW 07807~GBW 07810)定值测试工作,采用碘量法测定溶液中的金与原子吸收测定残渣中的金相结合的方法,分析结果均被采用。
Abstract: In 2006,Testing Center of Gold Geological Institute,CAPF,joined the value testing of 4 gold ore samples of National Certified Reference Materials.Gold in solution was determined by iodimetry and gold in residue was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.All of the four results were adopted by Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences.
摘 要:2006年武警黄金指挥部测试中心参加了4个国家金矿石一级标准物质(GBW 07807~GBW 07810)定值测试工作,采用碘量法测定溶液中的金与原子吸收测定残渣中的金相结合的方法,分析结果均被采用。
关键词:金矿石; 国家标准物质; 定值分析