
The Study on Quench Transformation in Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al Alloy


论文作者:张少卿 陶春虎

文章页码:351 - 356

摘    要:<正> The quench transfomation in a Ti-10V-2Fe-3Alnear B-titanium alloy was studied by meansof X-ray diffraction, transmission electronmicroscopy, and optical micyoscopy. The quenchingtemperatures were above and below the β transustemperature. The phase constitutions of specimensquenched from various solution temperatureswere identified and the phase morphologies wereexamined. In addition, the relationship betweenphase lattice parameters and quenching tempera-tures was given for α, β and α 11 phases. Thisalloy has a tendency of precipitation of athermalω phase and formation of stress induced α11 mar-tensite from β phase during quenching. Quenchedfrom the temperatures above the β transus tem-perature, the alloy mainly consists of β phase,a small amount of α11 martensite and athemalω phase aye also present in the alloy. Afterquenching from the temperatures below the βtransus temperature, the α phase appeaysin the alloy in addition to the phases mentionedabove.


The Study on Quench Transformation in Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al Alloy


摘 要:<正> The quench transfomation in a Ti-10V-2Fe-3Alnear B-titanium alloy was studied by meansof X-ray diffraction, transmission electronmicroscopy, and optical micyoscopy. The quenchingtemperatures were above and below the β transustemperature. The phase constitutions of specimensquenched from various solution temperatureswere identified and the phase morphologies wereexamined. In addition, the relationship betweenphase lattice parameters and quenching tempera-tures was given for α, β and α 11 phases. Thisalloy has a tendency of precipitation of athermalω phase and formation of stress induced α11 mar-tensite from β phase during quenching. Quenchedfrom the temperatures above the β transus tem-perature, the alloy mainly consists of β phase,a small amount of α11 martensite and athemalω phase aye also present in the alloy. Afterquenching from the temperatures below the βtransus temperature, the α phase appeaysin the alloy in addition to the phases mentionedabove.


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