

论文作者:张帆 魏昶 邓志敢 李存兄 李兴彬 李旻廷

文章页码:2495 - 2501


Key words:reductive leaching; zinc ferrite; zinc; indium; sphalerite concentrate

摘    要:铁酸锌是锌中性浸出渣中的主要物相,热酸浸出是处理中性浸出渣的主要方法之一。研究了一种采用硫化锌精矿作为还原剂对锌中性浸出渣进行还原浸出的方法。研究发现,采用硫化锌精矿作为还原剂不仅能高效浸出锌中性浸出渣中的有价金属,而且同时实现溶液中Fe3+向Fe2+的还原。采用两段逆流浸出工艺,98.1%锌和97.5%铟被浸出,浸出液中Fe2+/Fe3+的摩尔比达到9.6。同时发现,浸出过程中铁和铜几乎完全浸出,而锡只有部分浸出。

Abstract: Zinc ferrite is the principal constituent in zinc neutral-leach residue (NLR) which is commonly treated by hot-acid leaching in electrolytic zinc plants. Reductive leaching of zinc ferrite with sphalerite concentrate as a reducing agent was performed. It was found that leaching of zinc ferrite in the presence of sphalerit concentrate was a viable process that effectively extracted zinc and indium and converted Fe3+ into Fe2+ at the same time. Reflux leaching tests by two stages were performed to achieve extractions of 98.1% for zinc and 97.5% for indium, and a Fe2+/Fe3+ molar ratio of 9.6 in leach solution was also obtained. The leaching behaviors of other elements, such as iron, copper and tin were also studied. The results showed that iron and copper were completely leached, whereas tin presented lower extraction values.


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