

论文作者:刘道新 唐长斌 朱晓东 田林海 文胜平 宗瑞磊

文章页码:471 - 477

关键词:钛合金; 离子束增强沉积; Cr膜; CrMo合金膜; 磨损; 腐蚀

Key words:titanium alloy; ion-beam-enhanced deposition; Cr coating; CrMo coating; wear; corrosion

摘    要:利用多功能离子束增强沉积(IBED)设备, 在Ti6Al4V钛合金表面制备Cr和CrMo合金膜层, 以提高钛合金表面的耐磨性能。 利用X射线衍射仪、 扫描电子显微镜、 辉光放电光谱仪和显微硬度计分析和测试了IBED膜层的结构、 形态、 成分分布、 硬度和膜基结合强度的大小。 利用球-盘磨损试验机和电化学综合测试仪研究了IBED膜层的摩擦学性能和电化学腐蚀特性。 结果表明, 利用IBED方法可以在难镀材料钛合金表面制备膜基结合强度高、 结晶致密和晶粒尺寸达纳米级的高硬度Cr膜和CrMo合金膜层, 显著提高了钛合金表面的抗磨性能, 且膜层本身有很好的耐Cl-介质环境电化学腐蚀性能, 与钛合金基体之间有很好的接触腐蚀相容性。

Abstract: Cr and Cr-Mo coatings were prepared on the substrate of Ti6Al4V alloy with multi-function ion-beam enhanced deposition (IBED) equipment in order to improve the wear resistance of the alloy. The microstructures, morphologies, component distributions, hardness and bonding strength of coatings were studied by X-ray diffractometer, scanning electron microscope, glow-discharge photo-electron spectroscope and micro-hardness tester, respectively. The wear resistance and electrochemical corrosion properties of IBED coatings were investigated with ball-on-disk wear tester and electrochemical equipment, respectively. The results show that the denser, harder and nanometer crystalline Cr and Cr-Mo coatings with higher bonding strength can be prepared on titanium alloy surface by IBED method. The IBED Cr and Cr-Mo coatings significantly improve the wear resistance of Ti alloy surface, and the coatings have good corrosion resistance, low galvanic corrosion sensitivity and contact compatibility with titanium alloy in solution containing Cl-.

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